Cyprus Company Law: Ancillary relief / interim orders

Cyprus courts have jurisdiction to grant interim orders and injunctions over various issues, having extraterritorial effect. These include freezing orders (“Mareva Injunctions”), discovery and tracing orders (“Norwich Pharmacal Orders”), Garnishee Orders (“Chabra Orders”), search orders (“Anton Piller Orders”). Freezing Orders (Mareva Injunctions) Freezing injunctions over assets in any part of the world can be issued…

Tax Update: Cyprus and Switzerland sign new agreement for the avoidance of double taxation (DTA)

On the 25.07.2014 Cyprus and Switzerland signed an avoidance of double taxation agreement and relevant protocol. A Finance Ministry press release said, that the new agreement will contribute to further developing trade and financial relations between the two countries as well as with other countries. The ministry further stated that maintaining, updating and signing new…