
Employment Law Update: COVID-19 – Workforce and employment issues

On the 8 April 2020, the President of Cyprus announced that the measures announced previously to restrict the spread of coronavirus on the island were to be extended until April 30, in line with the decisions adopted by the the Council of Ministers. The financial measures announced previously to support employees and businesses during the current crisis will also be be extended until 12 June 2020.

Employment Law: Recommendations for employers to prepare for Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus (known as COVID-19) first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China, in December 2019. Since that time there have been an increasing number of cases confirmed throughout the word.The first confirmed case of COVID-19 was officially identified in Cyprus on the 10 March 2020. On the 12 March 2020 the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic.

Employment Law Update: Regulation (EU) 2019/1149 establishing a European Labour Authority

Regulation (EU) 2019/1149 setting up the European Labour Authority (ELA) came into force on 01.08.2019. The ELA will be based in Bratislava (Slovakia) and will aim to facilitate access for individuals and employers to information on their rights and obligations, support cooperation between national authorities in cross-border situations, by helping them ensure that the EU rules that protect and regulate mobility are easily and effectively followed and to provide mediation and facilitate solutions in case of cross-border disputes, such as in the event of company restructuring involving several Member States.