
Tax Law Update: Changes in Cyprus VAT rates

On the 6.12.2012, the House of Representatives passed legislation (Law.167(I)/2012) increasing VAT rates in Cyprus. In accordance with the new law: (a) from the 14.01.2013 until the 12.01.2014, the standard VAT rate increases to 18%; (b) from the 13.01.2014 the standard VAT rate will be 19%; (c) from 01.01.2014 the reduced VAT rate of 8%…

Cyprus Gaming Law Update: New Gambling Law enacted

From independence, the Republic of Cyprus has strictly regulated the engagement in games of chance or chance and skill for money or monetary return. However, following Cyprus’s accession to the EU in 2004, online gambling service providers licensed in other EU Member States began to operate from premises in Cyprus. On  the 11.07.2012 Cyprus` parliament…

Tax Law Update: Cyprus Double Taxation Agreements

Cyprus has concluded numerous Double Tax Agreements whilst certain other agreements are pending enforcement. The main purpose of these treaties is the avoidance of double taxation on income earned in any of these countries. Under these agreements, a credit is usually allowed against the tax levied by the country in which the taxpayer resides for…

Tax Law Update: Cyprus Tax amnesty law passed

Cyprus Parliament has enacted legislation providing for the partial write-off of interest and penalties on overdue tax, provided that the balance is settled by the 31 March 2012. The newly enacted legislation applies to individuals and companies alike and affords a waiver of interest and penalties in excess of 5% of the principal amount owed.…

Tax Law Update: Cyprus – Luxembourg talks on DTA

On the 19th July 2011,  Luxembourg’s Finance Minister Luc Frieden conducted an official visit to Cyprus. According to the Luxembourg government Mr Frieden exchanged views with his Cypriot counterpart Charilaos Stavrakis, on recent developments in their respective financial sectors and on European and national legislation in this area. Within this context, Cyprus and Luxembourg agreed…

Banking Law Update: Memorandum of Understanding between the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Central Bank of Cyprus

The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) and the Central Bank of Cyprus, expressing their mutual interest and willingness in promoting further the bilateral ties in the domain of supervision of credit institutions, concluded on 15 July 2011 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU has been signed on behalf of the CBRC by its Chairman…

Banking Law Update: Stability fund set up

On the 14th of April 2011, the Cyprus Parliament unanimously passed the Bank Levy Legislation. The law establishes an Independent Financial Stability Fund for financial institutions. Provided that the totalamount of the  levy does not exceed 20% of the total taxable profits of the financial Institution, as these are assessed by the Director of Inland…